14th Sept Thursday. Had shower then breakfast. Devorah called to wish me Bon Voyage, & brought me a lovely n/gown, had lunch then packed my remaining bits and pieces went with the family to see a house for Devorah, had a last look round my Avenue J, came back home, had tea, Jackie Walter called in to wish me Bon Voyage and brought a big box of candies. Went into town for a dinner, phoned Elizabeth & spoke to everyone but Nellie, glad she is improving. Am now on the ship with my stalwarts Mary and Jack, found a beautiful vase of flowers from Elizabeth, Mary handed me a package and when I opened it there was a most beautiful prayer book and apron, all Israeli, and a beautiful pair of bedroom slippers, now Samuel has arrived and has brought a magnificent bouquet of flowers, they stayed on the boat until almost departure, saw them off at the gangway and a fond farewell. Arriving back in my cabin I found a farewell Bon Voyage cable from Al, Ethel and Millie, who are holidaying in Las Vegas, up to the Carribean room for sandwiches and coffee, and back to my cabin which is incidentally the same one as I came out in, so therefore I feel quite at home. Next to bed and couldn’t sleep so sat up and at 3.30am (Friday) the ship sailed and I had a long last look at New York.
Tag: Brooklyn
13th September
13th Sept. Wednesday. Men called for the luggage at 7am, had a shower, went to my avenue J for a last look around, came back and then we went to the cemetery with Jack, then on to the Aunts, Agnes Cantor also came and we had a lovely lunch, stayed until after 4P.M., then went to Alexander’s for a last look around, then home for dinner, Lewis & Jackie Walters and Myer & his wife came in and we had a lovely evening together and now it is bed time.
12th September
12th Sept Just got up, had a shower, said au revoir to Millie and Maurice, Max called for me at 11-30 and took me to the bus, said au revoir to Nellie & Max. Arrived in New York and while getting off the bus the handle came off my case, got it fixed in a store and now am back at Brooklyn. Sorry to say Mary is not too well, had lunch then started to pack, found I needed another case and had to go out and buy one, finished packing and now await the men for the luggage, had dinner, Millie phoned from Elizabeth and was glad to hear her voice. Zelda and Mel called and we had a lovely evening together and all too soon they went away.
8th September
8th Sept. Friday. What a morning
got up early, bathed, breakfasted &
as Sam’s receptionist is off Mary had to
step in and fill the breach. arrived
at 9-30 and boy is it hectic here, patients
all over the place. Had lunch in
the office, and now on my way to New
York for the bus to Elizabeth. Just got a
bus by the skin of my teeth, and as the
day is extremely hot arrived in Elizabeth
all hot & bothered, called at Morris’ office
and he took me home. Back again at
Parker Road with my loved ones, washed
changed had dinner & settled down to a
lovely quiet evening.
7th September
7th Sept. Thursday, awoke to the
usual routine, then Jack drove us
over to [May’s?] a very large store down
town, stayed there for some time, and
back home for lunch, and now we are
out again, a new store called Korvette,
opened in Bay Park way on the water
front, a magnificent store, and a
wonderful position, looked around for
a couple ofhours and back home.
Started to pack my trunk, and it
took the 3 of us all evening, however thank
G-d, got that finished. Went out on the
porch, Lou and Jackie Waters joined
us, had good fun, and now ready
for bed
[You can read a little more on Korvette’s, and see a picture of the Brooklyn store here.]
6th September
6th Sept Wednesday. Awoke, bathed & had
breakfast, wrote some letters, relaxed
and had lunch, off now to Long Island,
the usual wonderful warm reception,
left very reluctantly, & met Rita Green
and Rai Dobby in 5th Avenue, recognised
Rai immediately, she looks wonderful,
very much thinner, the 3 of us went
to eat, and chatted & chatted, then
Rita left us and Rai and I continued
to talk & talk, it is amazing the details
we recalled as 8 P.M, we said au-
revoir, and back to Brooklyn, and
for a change we had an early night.
5th September
5th Sept. Tuesday Got up had my shower,
breakfast etc, saw Millie & Maurice off
to work, done my washing, written
my diary up to date, and now
Nellie, and I have the house to
ourselves, will soon start to pack
for Brooklyn, and as usual when
I come here, am going back with a
lot more than I came with. 4 P.M
Blanche called and took me to the bus
arrived in New York during the rush
hour, what an experience. Got on the
Subway for Brooklyn, arrived at Avenue
J, couldn’t get a taxi, so had to humph
my case to Mary’s, got there completely
exhausted, had dinner, talked & talked
then bed.
3rd August
3rd Aug. Thursday. This morning we are
having a thunder & lightning storm,
the rain is torrential, and hope it
will clear, as I leave to-night for
Cleveland, and once more I will be
on the roam. Will conclude this
entry as I will have to pack.
1st August
1st August Tuesday. Max drove me to
the bus, and once more on the go,
arrived in Brooklyn for lunch. Sorry
but Jack isn’t too well. Mary and I got
into town for a few hours, and had
quite a shopping spree, after dinner
we had quite a party on the porch,
was made quite a fuss of by everyone.
14th July
14th July Friday Spent the morning in
Brooklyn & went to Elizabeth after lunch,
where I was met by Max. The family
came home from business, we had dinner
then Blanche & Barney came and spent the
evening here.