23-6-67. Friday. Jack took
me to Elizabeth and left me
there over the week end. I had
a royal welcome from all at
Parker Road, after dinner the
rest of the families came to see
me, and I felt very important.
Across the USA, 1967
23-6-67. Friday. Jack took
me to Elizabeth and left me
there over the week end. I had
a royal welcome from all at
Parker Road, after dinner the
rest of the families came to see
me, and I felt very important.
Date July June 1967
Place Brooklyn & Elizabeth
22-6-67. Thursday. Went local shopping
with Mary, came home had lunch.
Jack took us into New York,
took us to “Radio City” saw Jane
Fonda in Barefoot in the Park.
Splendid film, also a marvellous
floor show. Picked up Samuel
at his office, had a lovely
dinner at 1209.
21-6-69 Wednesday. Had a walk
round Brooklyn this morning. This
afternoon Jack took Mary and I to
Queens to the Aunts, was thrilled
to see them, gave them their presents,
and when I gave them the kippers they
were too full for words. Went back
to Brooklyn.
20-6-67. Tuesday. Rain as we approach
New York, am very disappointed at
the New York sky line, perhaps am
blase about sky scrapers., will never
recapture the thrill of my previous
visit. Passed through customs without
any bother. Mary [?] and Jack were at the
Pier to meet me. Took me home to
Date July June 1967
Place Arriving in New York
19-6-67. Monday. Finished my book, was
enjoyable, got my 6 bottles duty free
scotch, also cigarettes. Passengers beginning
to get excited as we are nearing the
American coast. Weather still marvellous
18-6-67 “Sunday.” Weather still
marvellous, so stay out on deck
all day, food super, but am
controlling myself, and have not
put on any weight. Had another
Bingo session but still no luck.
17-6-67 Saturday This is just like
a Medditteranian [sic] cruise, am
burned on all sides. Had a good
Caberet in the lounge,
played “Bingo” and as usual had
no luck.
Date June July 1967
Place Atlantic Ocean
16/6/67 Friday, the ocean is like
a sheet of glass. Off [sic] all the Jews on
the ship only another 2 people and
myself are at the kosher tables.
Have already fixed up a deck chair,
taken out a nice book from the library
“Saturday the Rabbi went hungry.”
15/6/67 (Thursday) Left early for Southampton
and boarded the Elizabeth at mid
day. Deposited my kippers in
the deep freeze. Met a nice Jewish
couple from Sheffield, but they went
off at Cherbourg.
[The RMS Queen Elizabeth was retired just a year after this trip, in 1968]
14/6/67 (Wednesday) Arrived London,
had my usual walk in the
Burlington Arcade, Picaddily [sic], Regent St.
and Oxford. Went to Miriam’s for the
afternoon & evening, brought me back
to the hotel